Composite resin is a tooth-coloured restorative material composed of plastic and small glass or ceramic particles; usually “cured” or hardened with filtered light or chemical catalyst.
Composite resin veneers are composed of thin layers of composite resin material that cover the front visible parts of your teeth.
They are placed directly on teeth that are crooked, dark, chipped or unsightly. Veneers change the colour, shape, length and size of your teeth to give you a marked improvement in appearance.
They are similar in concept to fake nails that are stuck onto your real ones.
Veneers can be used to restore a single fractured or discoloured tooth, a few unsightly teeth, or even provide a complete Hollywood style makeover.
Veneers are popular because of their ability to change your smile, their durability and they provide a very natural look.
How long will veneers last?
Many times I am asked “How long will my veneers last? Most things have a finite life-span. This is a difficult question to answer.
Certain factors that need to be considered that dictate the success of veneers.